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Existing technologies

To improve the environment and living conditions around the world, several eco-responsible, innovative and sustainable technological solutions already exist. Some of them are presented on this page. They are described succinctly to give you a brief overview of their description and characteristics.


Traitement Eau
Filtration des eaux usées

Wasterwater treatment
Filtering marshes

Domestic wastewater or wastewater from industrial processes is directed into basins for primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. The difference lies in the choice of diversified plants to filter, transform or retain the various pollutants in their root systems or leaves.

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Drinking water treatment
Filtering marshes

Water can be rehabilitated for drinking purposes through a combination of processes in contact with different filter, oxygenating (submerged) and sequestering plants, in combination with oxidation based on energy from renewable sources in combination with metals and nutrients.

inspection des puits

Water recycling

This is an industrial filtering and oxidative process used to rehabilitate wastewater so that it can be reused as external irrigation water or for the water supply of sanitary systems. This type of process is distinguished by its simplicity and by in situ generation of the reagents used for treatment.


Water desalination

The water desalination is carried out by reverse osmosis. Powered by solar panels, this very simple technology, combined with the ocean's immense, inexhaustible source of water, can thus provide the potential for accessibility of drinking water to all coastal areas of the planet.

Ancre 1
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Food safety through

Freeze-drying retains 90% or more of vitamins and organoleptic properties (taste, flavor and color). The process operates at -20 to -40°C under vacuum, enabling water to be sublimated (converted from solid to vapor) without altering the structure of the food. Once the process is complete, food can be preserved in optimal conditions for up to 25 years. A considerable alternative in the fight against food insecurity and the tons of still-healthy foodstuffs thrown away.


Living soil option

The living soil approach puts the spotlight back on the quality of cultivated soil through the diversity of micro-organisms operating on the principle of aerobic reaction and equilibrium (reaction with oxygen). It's possible to make the transition from a conventional crop field to a living soil. This approach also has a positive impact, enabling the soil to become less compact, more resistant to periods without rain and with less chemical input to the soil and the crop. It's a tried-and-tested approach.


Agriculture - Permaculture

It's the maximization of a permanent vegetable crop, favoring a synergy in the choice of plants that grow side by side, requiring less tillage, less weeding and having the effect of protecting plants against insect pests. What's more, you don't have to replant every year. A good example comes from North America's aboriginal culture with the 3 sisters: corn, squash and beans. Grown side by side, these plants help each other grow. Corn provides tall stalks for beans to climb. Beans provide nitrogen to fertilize the soil, while stabilizing corn in high winds. Beans have rhizobia on their roots that can take nitrogen, an important plant nutrient, from the air and convert it into a form that can be absorbed by plant roots. The large leaves of squash plants shade the soil, helping to retain soil moisture and prevent the proliferation of weeds.

Laitue hydroponique

Greenhouses in closed boxes
365 days/year

With climate change becoming more and more pronounced, outdoor soil cultivation is largely subject to the vagaries of temperature (too hot, too cold, too little water, too much water). A solution exists and is highly effective: indoor growing technology in closed boxes, which has proved its worth and offers a host of advantages, including controlled temperature, humidity and light. What's more, no pesticides or GMOs are used, and crops are less exposed to insect pests. This technique also recycles over 95% of water.

Alongside conventional greenhouse cultivation, it is possible to grow all kinds of vegetables and certain fruits in an environment less at the mercy of weather disturbances.

panneaux solaires

Sustainable energy
Photovoltaic solar

Photovoltaic solar panels use different types of light radiation to convert it into an electromagnetic wave by means of a photovoltaic cell. A set of photovoltaic cells has the potential to generate power as required.

énergie propre

Sustainable energy
Wind turbine

A wind turbine is a sustainable form of energy in which the force of the wind is channeled through a mechanical force to turn a rotor (mobile) in a stator (fixed), thus creating an alternating or direct current.

Ferme d'élevage

Sustainable energy

Biomass is organic matter of plant, animal, bacterial or fungal origin that can be used as an energy source. This form of energy involves burning plant residues from crop fields, forests and organic industrial waste, converting them from liquid to vapor form, and then turning a turbine fitted with a rotor and stator to generate electricity in AC or DC form.

Travail de labo

Sustainable energy

This principle involves bringing two different liquids with different charges into contact in a cell. Once in contact, an electron transfer takes place, generating an electric current. These liquids are available in large volumes. They are safe for the environment and for humans.

Énegie durable
Centrale hydroélectrique

Sustainable energy

A natural flow of water, or a constructed structure such as a dam, catalyses the water and passes it through a turbine fitted with a rotor and stator to generate an alternating electric current.

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Waste of energy

This is the use of organic residues with calorific potential, from municipal waste and/or industrial residues (wood-plant-plastic), in high-temperature combustion to produce a synthesis gas that can be used to heat a boiler coupled to a turbine to produce electricity. Excess heat can be used to heat buildings or processes. Solid residues can be transformed into materials that can be used for construction or roadways. In short: waste is transformed into reusable energy, with a reduction in greenhouse gases and a halt to landfill, thus reducing soil contamination or the production of methane, another greenhouse gas.

Déchets à énergie
Corail et poissons verts

Marine geothermal energy

The principle involves taking water from the ocean at a certain depth, depending on whether cooling or heating is required. The water is directed into a heat pump heat exchanger unit to extract the required energy.

Fixer un tuyau

Terestrial geothermal energy

The principle consists in digging a well in the ground to introduce a closed circuit of pipes containing a liquid heat carrier transporting the energy to be extracted with a heat pump.

Ferme de légumes biologiques

Reduction and Recovery of waste

Reducing waste at source, promoting reuse, recovering for recycling, and finally recovering residual materials through composting are the primary principles on which to base waste reduction and recovery. Methods, techniques, equipment, and technologies exist and can be adapted according to the situation and needs.

plastique recyclé

Recovery, Recycling, Transformation

First, it is necessary to identify the types of waste to offer the best solution that is adapted to the situation of each place, each territory. The types of waste determine the technological solutions to be retained since not all waste can be treated in a single place.



Are you looking for solutions for yourself, your business or your community, to improve your living conditions or your environment?

Are you hesitating? Not don’t really know where to look, or which solution would be best for your project or needs?

Would you like to know more about the solutions listed above?

Then contact us.

We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

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